Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Why  do we need to bleed to prove were alive?
Why do we try to hide it?
these questions are very common and you shouldnt be ashamed, alot of people suffer from self harm, its an addiction, people shouldnt judge, you should just keep your head up, bloody wrists never solves anything. neither does burning your self. Dealing with pain by hurting yourself just hurts others and yourself, you deserve to live a happy life and have someone there for you, cuts are just painful, it doesnt release the huirt inside, nothing does but time, you should replace your addiction with something that will honestly help you, not punish yourself for having a hard life, and i know about a rough life.. just keep holding on!!!

Rescue is possible

Here at self harm anonymous we believe in Twloha. an organization for suicide prevention. Their message is rescue is possible, hope is real. There will always be someone there even if you dont know it. There is someone here. Nobody should ever feel alone, or like theres no choice but suicide but there is a choice. more than anyone will ever show. In the song Too Write Love On Her Arms by helio it says " Feeling worthless self destruction try to take control of this, find a purpose, reconstruction right it somewhere it will stick" thats all you need to feel safe and do what iot says, find a purpose in life and you should stop being depressed and suicide. there is no need to replace cutting with alcohol or drugs just use love, and happiness and the feeling should lift you out of those hard times! SO REMEMBER! RESCUE YOU IS POSSIBLE AND HOPE IS REAL!!!! SOMEONE DOES LOVE YOU WHETHER YOU NOW IT OR NOT! <3
